Author and Presenter Guidelines

All accepted papers and abstracts of posters will be published in the conference proceedings.

Papers must not exceed 5,000 words, including Abstract, main text (Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions), References, tables and figures.

  • A template for paper is available here.

Abstracts of posters should include title, authors, affiliations, and 250 words of poster summary.

  • A template for poster abstract is available here.


Before submission, you need to register to the conference online system and set up your username and password. Once registered, go to the login page, enter the online submission system, and go ahead with the submission process. All papers and poster abstracts will be peer-reviewed.


All presentations will be pre-recorded and played ‘live’ at the appointed timeslot, followed by live discussion with the author. Recorded presentations should be uploaded to the system not later than September 25 at 8 pm. Presentations time is limited to 15 minutes, the presentation language is English.

Posters will be presented in the poster session, where authors will present ideas/results on their posters within 5 minutes (not pre-recorded).

The best presentations and posters will be awarded.

Colloquium thematic sections

  • Genomics
  • Biotechnology
  • Molecular basis of diseases
  • Genetic resources